We'll help with your application for a consent order
When you and your ex-spouse are able to reach an amicable agreement about the care of your children and property distributions (either with or without legal help), you can lodge that agreement through an application for a Consent Order.
A Consent Order is an official, legal document outlining the terms of your agreement, and can cover both financial and parenting matters.
Applying for a Consent Order
To obtain a Consent Order, you will need to lodge the appropriate documents with the Court Registry. You may need to go to court if the court is not satisfied that the orders sought are fair, just and equitable, or proper arrangements have not been made for the care of the children.
The court will review the orders you've asked for, and will ensure that they meet the requirements of the Family Law Act. I.e.: the terms of the agreement must be fair and reasonable in relation to financial and property matters, and care of children.
If you have complied with all the legal requirements and the court is satisfied, it will approve and issue final consent orders. This is a legally binding contract that you and your ex-spouse must comply with.
It's important to get the right legal advice before you lodge your own consent order. This will save you time, money and hassle in the long term in the event that you do not comply with the process or complete the forms incorrectly.
Get the right advice
We can help with your application for a consent order. Call us on (02) 8843 1343 or send a message via our contact page.